The Treviso-Ostiglia

From military railroad to cycle path

The Treviso-Ostiglia runs along the line of the old railway that connected the regional capital of the Treviso province to the municipality on the Po in the province of Mantua. It was built between 1920 and 1940 and after being bombed by the Allies in the Second World War, the railway line was gradually abandoned. However, today, thanks to its repair, the Treviso-Ostiglia is a public thoroughfare where you can cycle for almost 50 km from the gates of the Treviso regional capital through to the province of Vicenza.

The first stretch that leaves from the city centre and reaches Quinto di Treviso is partly viable. From here to the old Station of Badoere and until the border with the province of Padua, the cycle route is all on a dirt track and there are no viability problems. The Padua stretch, all on road surface, crosses through ten Municipalities: Piombino Dese, Trebaseleghe, Loreggia, Camposampiero, Santa Giustina in Colle, San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Campo San Martino, Curtarolo, Piazzola sul Brenta and Campodoro.

On the seat of your bicycle, the itinerary will lead you through the Park of the Sile river, the longest resurgent river in Europe and the Tergola agricultural park. On short diversions, the itinerary passes by some of the most famous Veneto Villas such as Villa Cornaro in Piombino Dese and Villa Contarini in Piazzola sul Brenta.

Moreover, today the cycle path crosses three points frequented by cycle-friendly roads of Veneto such as the Via del Brenta and the Cycle route of the Muson dei Sassi that descends to Jesolo. We recommend a stop in one of the agri-tourism centres located along the route to recharge your batteries and try the local delicacies.